Indonesian fisheries statistics

Indonesian Fisheries Statistics Growth Because of New Fishing Policy

By admin|2023-04-15T11:21:39+00:00April 10th, 2023|Tuna Indonesia|

Indonesian fisheries statistics gets a huge growth especially in 2015 especially because of Jokowi’s leadership who want to take benefit from the country’s competitive advantage in marine related industry. In the new minister command, the fishing industry in Indonesia gets a huge growth rate at 8.73% YOY by 2015 third economic quarter. This rate is

Unique Side of Traditional Indonesia Tuna Fishing

By admin|2023-04-15T11:21:06+00:00April 10th, 2023|Tuna Indonesia|

Not many people know about Indonesia, but if you love tuna you should know about this country since it is one of the largest tuna fishing country. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, which is why they own large area of water and see that contains many kinds of fish including tuna. Each

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