Indonesian fishing industry is increased because of the country’s effort and development in the fishing sector which increase its development. You should know that Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world. The country even consists of large sea area which takes up to one third of the country’s whole area. This makes the country become the second largest country which produces fish product right bellow China. This is why, it is important for the country to get the right policy which able to help the development of this fishing industry that will also increase the country revenue from this fishing sector.

The Growth of Indonesian fishing industry

Actually Indonesian fishing industry used to be neglected in the past, but it all had changed during the new president Jokowi leadership. During his leadership, the government gives a huge support for this fishing industry. The support start by giving the marine ministry which will be in charge in the development of this fishing industry more budget from the country’s APBN budget. The marine ministry used to get low budget from the country, which is why the development of this fishing industry also very slow. But with the change that the president do to the marine ministry, it will surely increase the development of the fishing industry in the country.

Furthermore, the government also keeps giving new policies which will also help the development of Indonesian fishing industry in the future. With the new policies, the government hopes that the local fishermen will have better living standard. It is also hoped that new investment will flow to the fishing industry which will also help its development. The policy had also able to increase the number of catch by the local fishermen so the fish supply in Indonesia had increase for around 240%.

Because the number of supply in Indonesian fishing industry had increase it also reflects on the increase of demand of Indonesian product in the global market. This means the steps that the government has take really effective in supporting the development of this fishing industry in Indonesia. That is why; it seems that Jokowi along with its government will continue to gives new policy and increase their funding in this fishing industry so the fishing sector will also continue to develop further which in time will give more advantage to the development of the country themselves even though it will take long duration to do so.

One of the policies that the government had done to this fishing industry is by constructing new ports at the location where the fish production take place in the center of the location. With the construction of the new ports which near to the local fishermen location, this means that the fishermen will be able to directly export the fish that they catch without the need to send the product to larger city with ports such as Jakarta, Medan, Bali and Surabaya.

Another thing that the government does to empower the fishing industry is by giving fishing vessels with modern equipment which is around 3200 items provided for the fishermen. They also give around one million fish seed to the fish farmer. On the downstream area, the government had plan to create around 61 cooler storing area, 354 machines to create ice, a processing machine, and two freight unit. With this new and more modern equipment, it is hoped that the fishing industry in Indonesia will continue to grow and able to compete with the other country which already have more modern and high tech equipment since a long time ago.

The Indonesian government had also opened the opportunity for foreign investment to flow their fund into the fishing industry in the country. Furthermore the government is also start to facilitate the local fishermen so they will be able to get access to better financial resource. That is why; business in the global market is on the talk about Indonesian fishing industry since this industry had now become very interesting industry in Indonesia which will become a good investment opportunity. And since the fishing industry in Indonesia also needs huge number of investment, thus the government should also take this opportunity for the advantage of many sides such as the government, the investors, and the local fishermen themselves.