Indonesian fisheries statistics gets a huge growth especially in 2015 especially because of Jokowi’s leadership who want to take benefit from the country’s competitive advantage in marine related industry. In the new minister command, the fishing industry in Indonesia gets a huge growth rate at 8.73% YOY by 2015 third economic quarter. This rate is almost twice as much as the economic overall growth on the country which is only at 4.73% rate. The production of captured fish product was increased in 2015 at 5.05% over previous year production rate. Then the production of aquaculture product was increased in 2015 at 3.9% rate.
New Fishing Policy Impact Indonesian Fisheries Statistics
It seems that the government keeps renewing the Indonesian fisheries statistics policy so they can increase the living standard of the country’s fishermen as well as to boost the investment made into the fishing industry. One of the policies is about the creation of six new sub sectors inside the fish product processing which foreign investor can invest. The next policy is about providing new equipment for fishing, storing, as well as facilities for processing for example ships with modern equipment, cooling storage. The government also facilitates the fishermen so they can get access on the financing resource.
With this new policy and facilitation, that the government done to the fishermen, this trigger new interest as well as growth inside Indonesian fisheries statistics. The Indonesian marine ministry has also does many steps so they can increase the growth of the fishing industry in Indonesia for the upstream sector as well as downstream sector. You can see the impact of the policy and facilitation that the government done to the fishermen from the growth on production of captured fish product that has reach four point seventy two million tons in production on 2015 third economic quarter. This production has increased around 5.05% more compared to previous year production for the same economic quarter. This growth is also experienced on the production of aquaculture product that has reach ten point zero seven million tons in production on 2015 third economic quarter. This production has increased around 3.98% more compared to previous year production for the same economic quarter.
The overall growth has also been research by the Indonesian fisheries statistics agency which noted that the Indonesian fisheries have reach growth at 8.37% YOY by 2015 third economic quarter. This growth is even higher than the economic growth of Indonesia which is on 4.73% YOY by 2015 third economic quarter. Then on the 2015 end of economic year the production of captured fish product has reach around six point two million tons. Meanwhile the production of aquaculture product has reached around seventeen point six million tons. Even though the rate has reached high number, but it is actually still less than the target set by the government for each sectors. Nevertheless Indonesia is still on number two largest captured fisheries country in the world right below China. Indonesia is also on number four largest aquaculture product creator in the world.
Actually even though two third of the area owned by Indonesia is consist of water area, but the country’s fisheries industry used to be neglected before. Furthermore the contribution of the fisheries industry to the country GDP itself is small which is only at 3.7% back in 2014 economic year. The growth of this fisheries industry is only at 0.06% rate in the preceding 3 year. Then under Jokowi’s leadership the growth of this fisheries industry has start to increase. That is also because on 2016 economic year the government gives 13.8 trillion rupiah from the country’s APBN budget for the marine ministry. This budget has increased around 31.4% from the previous economic year marine ministry budget.
As the Minister of marine, Susi Pudjiastuti is creating many kinds of policy which able to empowered the fishermen as well as increasing the sustainability of Indonesia fisheries industry. With the policies that she creates, the country’s fish supply has increased up to 240% that also increase the number of catch made by the country’s fishermen. That is why there are also increased in demand for fish product from Indonesia in the global market which also increase the Indonesian fisheries statistics growth that surely affect the countries overall earning from this industry.